Bits and Bytes: February 2011 Archives

"Real" Software Engineering


This video of a presentation by Glenn Vanderburg entitled Real Software Engineering came up last week during one of those periodic flurries of contrary opinion on Twitter regarding whether or not software development is, or is not engineering. Glenn's 51 minute talk explains why, after after having made a painstaking, convincing case that what we do do is utterly unlike what any other known engineering discipline does, he nonetheless aligns himself with the "pro" engineering perspective.

Real Software Engineering - Glenn Vanderburg from Engine Yard on Vimeo.

It's a well-prepared and delivered piece, and well worth your time. He opens by acknowledging something that anyone who has been in this field for long already knows: that the kind of Software Engineering that has been taught in Computer Science programs for the last forty years has been hopeless, comically out of touch with day-to-day software development reality.

His opening examination of where "Software Engineering" went astray is particularly compelling; he does so by going back and examining some primary sources. For instance, the legendary NATO the 1968 meeting that established the field had some moments that seemingly foreshadowed today's Agile orthodoxy, before heading off into into the weeds for a generation the next year. Winston Royce has evidently been saying, for 42 years, that his original waterfall paper has been tragically misunderstood. Glenn makes a good case that this is so. You may, of course, actually read the paper and decide for yourself. Parnas's A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake it is here too. Glenn has some fresh background on Parnas's use of the term "rational".

Galloping Gertie

I thought I caught a welcome, albeit uncredited whiff of Petroski in the second part of the talk, where he describes how science, and art, mathematics, craft, tradition, and empiricism guide what real engineers really do. And no talk on the limits of engineering would be complete without an appearance from Galloping Gertie

I particularly enjoyed Glenn's treatment of of the perennial and enduring mis-perception of the roles of engineers and coders that the industry inherited from its lengthy flirtation with the waterfall model. This conceit went something like this: The "real" engineering effort involved in engineering software is in the design, not the implementation. Hence, design must be something distinct, something more demanding, than mere coding. The software engineers job then, was produce, from a given set of requirements, some artifact that could be "thrown over the wall" to the coders for "construction".

Of course, this analogy is off. The design of the program itself is the part of this process that is akin to automotive or aircraft design. Construction, building, or fabrication is the process of reproducing the shrink-wrapped media, or invoking and executing the application over the web. For aeronautical engineers, fabricating each individual remains aircraft is quite expensive. Though software engineering began during an era of pocket-protectors and mechanical pencils where CPU were still scarce, fabrication for us now is essentially free. Given this perspective, Glenn continues, the folks dismissed as blue-collar coders in the waterfall pecking order are the real engineers. Because engineering is about making stuff that works. And it is with this contention than Vanderburg rests his case.

Which is fine, as far as it goes. I guess, after all that, I feel less obligated to align myself with the engineering fraternity than does Glenn, given how different making software turned out to be from the other disciplines he showcased, but that's probably a matter of taste. I'm just not sure I have a dog in it. There are lots of disciplines that deliver stuff that works besides engineering: cinema, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, bakeries, blacksmiths, composers, ... I could go on. What might we yet learn by analogy from disciplines outside our mathematics and engineerings roots?

Of course, the other great unspoken truth about the software engineering tradition in Computer Science has been that software engineering has always really focused on the admittedly considerable challenges associated with managing, organizing, and yes, even leading a large, infantry scale industrial organization whose objective it is to produce software, often to the detriment of the more technical issues of interest to those in the trenches.

Ironically, one of the successes of the Agile movement has been encourage the emergence of more antonymous "commando" scale units within the kinds of World War II Era waterfall shops that had dominated the industry.

Indeed, these hierarchical corporate traditions, the clashes of these kinds of cultures with the agile mindset, and the daunting demands of scale are all issues that might have merited additional examination, and that continue to the contribute to the perception that software engineering is out-of-touch.

Refactoring's Original Sin: Part II


Part I of this piece made the case that Refactoring's Original Sin was having allowed Refactoring to come to be perceived as completely cosmetic elective surgery. Worse yet, the resulting improvements benefited only the innards of your application, not the parts the users see.

Even as early as the early nineties, there was a recognition that allowing refactoring to be become pigeonholed as an unproductive polishing pass could do injustice to the cause of the kind of iterative, incremental design.process that we'd become accustomed to working in Smalltalk.

We did make several attempts to characterize this approach as a integrated iterative, incremental process in which design pervaded the object lifecyle. A few years earlier, Lehman and Belady had observed that while design was an entropy decreasing process, maintenance was an entropy increasing process, that inevitable eroded structure.

Yet, somehow, the Smalltak image had avoided this fate, and the development style we'd vicariously absorbed working with Smalltalk was seemingly allowing our code to do so as well. The way this worked was that, as you added new code, you'd keep an eye peeled for opportunities to better integrate it with the code around you. And then ... take them. This casual, continual shift in focus from function to form and back again helped to forestall the kind of death-by-duct tape that seemed so unavoidable when working on classical code. And I think it was fair to say that it was by cultivating these form-focused improvements to the structure, clarity and presentation of the code by hand that we learned what refactorings were.

For instance, we trotted out an extended abstract A Fractal Model of the Lifecycles of Reusable Objects at a few workshops during the early nineties. Conceived as a wry variation on Boehm's Spiral Model, it sketched a three phase scheme whereby an Initial Prototype formed the nucleus of a system that was organically grown through a succession of fine-grained, opportunistic Expansion and Consolidation phases. Expansion had an exploratory focus, and explicitly tolerated a certain degree of structural erosion in the cause of mastering functionality.

Consolidation on the other hand, was a form focused phase in which opportunities to harvest the benefits of hindsight were exploited to repair any damage done during prior expansions and ensure the application was poised to address the challenges to come. Anywhere in the universe, counteracting entropy requires an investment of countervailing energy, and it was here that that entropy reduction was done.

By PLoP '94, Bill Opdyke and I had put together a somewhat more detailed treatment of this material that tried to cast Refactoring in the context of this this kind of process: Lifecycle and Refactoring Patterns that Support Evolution and Reuse. One goal of this work was to once again underscore the idea that refactoring should normally be an integral part of incremental development, not a coarse-grained recovery project. Which is not to say that such an effort might not be called for if a codebase had gone badly to seed, but that with conscientious cultivation the need for major reclamation efforts could be prevented.

Software Tectonics

Our PLoP '95 Software Tectonics idea can be seen in this light: entropic stress accumulating in a system risks release with increasingly severe power-law consequences.

By then Refactoring was poised to become a household word, among hackers, anyway. John Brant and Don Roberts were already working on the first practical automated refactoring tool for Smalltalk, Martin Fowler was soon to embark on a landmark cataloging effort that would, in turn, give Erich Gamma a roadmap that would lead to the refactoring facilities of the Eclipse JDT. And Kent Beck and his cohorts were soon to deem Refactoring as one of the pillars of eXtreme Programming.

So, one of the reasons that Martin's TradableQualityHypothesis piece resonated with me so deeply is that this is precisely the kind of perception battle I still find myself in when discussing Refactoring to this day. Our inability to have framed it as an integral, fundamental, indispensable element of a continuous, organic design and development process has left code quality and the kind of poised responsive, adaptive posture in the face of change that than makes possible, vulnerable to the remorseless whims of the budget axe.

There is still work to be done.

Brownfield Software


I spent an informative 51 minutes yesterday watching this InfoQ video presentation on Brownfield Software: Industrial Waste or Business Fertilizer by Josh Graham of Thoughtworks.

Josh describes an intensive, heroic effort to bring a large, festering, vintage 1997 legacy Java system under control.

Among the highlights: his admonition that, no matter how great the temptation may be, avoid the urge to rip out those homebrew frameworks and replace them with more modern, standard ones.

The testimonials from the theretofore downtrodden hackers who'd been pinned down in the trenches on this project were touching as well.

Oh yeah, and they used AOP too. For logging, naturally....

They also spoke of the indispensability of engineers with superior textual skills in an environment like this, which, I gather, means the kinds of folks who for whatever reason are able to make some sense out of code most of us would find hopelessly inscrutable.



Came across this blog entry by Gloria Origgi, courtesy of a tweet from @ronjeffries on Kakonomics: or The Strange Preference for Low-Quality Outcomes.

The piece opines that in many systems, a state of collusive mediocrity can emerge and persist between agents, whereby an exchange of low quality outcomes and minimal rewards is mutually tolerated as part an Evolutionarily Stable Strategy.

It's easy to imagine this sort of low-expectations relationship emerging between an IT organization and mud maintainers, and how it might account for the kind of neglect some codebases must seemingly endure.

The relationship between coder and code itself might lend themselves to this sort of analysis along the lines of Joshua Kerievsky's notions of Sufficient Design.

One wishes the author had opted for a different name. I can almost hear every preschooler (and preschooler-at-heart) in the room giggle each time I read it.

Refactoring's Original Sin: Part I


Before there was Refactoring there was refactoring. There were people who refactored just fine before Refactoring was invented.

I remember right well.

I remember back during the late 1980s, the OOPSLA-era Object boom was in full bloom. I had joined a new research group led by Ralph Johnson at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. And some of us were availing ourselves of the privilege of getting the best apprenticeship in object-oriented programming a body could ever get: spelunking around the PARC Smalltalk-80 codebase.

Gauguin and Tahiti

Here we found code that had clearly been crafted by insanely bright, committed pioneers who had stuck with it, lived amongst it, inhabited it, as they acknowledged themselves, polished it and cultivated it. And incrementally improved it. It was clear to anyone who visited the place, and it felt like a place, that the kind of code you were browsing was the fruit of a patient, sustained, collaborative process of cultivation. All the code was there. You were free to roam, and explore as you pleased.

It was a place that enticed you to join it. Smalltalk development enticed one to "go native", like Gauguin's Tahiti. And you grew and cultivated your code next to theirs, and when you saw an opportunity to improve it, you did. And your code grew better too.

Of course, even then, during the dusk of the Cold War, not every working programmer left every first draft untouched. If you were overconscientious, you might routinely do this as part-and parcel of bringing an implementation into being. Sometimes these ideas would come into focus once the code was actually on-the-air. In those days, when you wanted to improve the design of a chunk of existing code, you said you were going to clean it up, or take a final polish pass over it, or maybe tidy it up a bit. An enlightened boss might tolerate such an indulgence at the end of a successful push. But even then, the suspicion that you might be engaging in self-indulgent lily-gilding was never far behind.

Often, your focus would be strictly on improving the code's clarity or structure, or aesthetics without changing the way it worked at all. By analogy with number theory, one could casual describe a reworked or improved version as being better factored than its predecessor. It became natural to describe the newer take as a refactored version of the older one, and more broadly, to describe this kind of focused improvement activity as refactoring. Still, this most often was less a distinct phase that an acute, opportunistic shift of focus. It was typically part of preparing the groundwork for some subsequent functional improvement.

And so it came to pass that in the early days of the reign of George Bush the Elder, Bill Opdyke and Ralph Johnson set about the task of cataloging some of these Things You Could Do to Programs that Didn't Change The Way They Worked But Made them Better, with an eye towards seeming studying them more formally, and seeing whether they could be automated. And refactoring became Refactoring, with a Capital-R.

A Refactoring became a much more narrowly cast behavior-preserving program transformation, which served their research agenda fine, but cast the broader, more casual usage to the side. Refactoring, the activity, had henceforth to be one in which only such sorts of transformation were to applied. A distinct activity.

Subsequent authors, such as Martin Fowler (Refactoring) and Joshua Kerievsky (Refactoring to Patterns), have probably inadvertently reinforced this impression with their detailed focus on the surgical tactics and skills required to accomplish particular Refactorings, at times seemingly at the expense of broader, more holistic therapeutic approaches to day-to-day codebase health maintenance.

Adam and Eve So, what was Refactoring's Original Sin? Letting the idea be framed as a distinct phase, a polishing pass, an optional brush up, where working code was turned into "higher quality" working code that worked the same way as the original working code. Framed this way, this could sound like an utterly optional spasm of indulgent, flamboyant, narcissistic navel gazing by self-indulgent prima-dona programmers, rather than a inherent, indispensable, vital element of a process that cultivated the growth and sustained health of both the codebase and the team.

The problem with "refactoring" is that refactoring is not a bad name for Refactoring proper, but that the idea has always cast a wider shadow, in part because of its gestation in precisely the kinds of iterative incremental incubators we nostalgically recalled above.

As a result of having framed in this fashion, the perception persist to this day that refactoring is a distinct, coarse-grained, and dispensable luxury, rather than a natural, inherent, integral part of a healthy, sustainable development process.

The problem is that the refactoring process in which Refactoring plays this indispensable role, and the value of the resulting code, have never been really properly framed.

And a consequence of this is that refactoring itself becomes a casualty in precisely the kinds of TradableQualityHypothesis triage games that the Martin Fowler piece that triggered this one so eloquently showcased.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Bits and Bytes category from February 2011.

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