Reflection as a Basis for Subjectivity
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1304 W. Springfield
Urbana, IL 61801 USA
(217) 328-3523
15 August 1994
for the
OOPSLA '94 Workshop on
Subjectivity in Object-Oriented Programming
Of Models, Languages, and Mechanisms
Subject-Oriented Programming [Harrison & Osher 1993] is a proposed stylistic variant on the traditional object-oriented trinity of polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation (PIE). It emphasizes extrinsic, subjective views as an alternative to a proliferation, in monolithic hierarchies, of intrinsic methods and states. By allowing distinct concerns to be accessed at different times, from different places, via distinct portals, subjectivity would seem to allow complex, evolving, dispersed phenomena to be modeled more naturally that the "classical model" might.
Alas, subjectivity is but a model, because today's popular object-oriented programming languages are simply not powerful enough to allow the mechanisms needed to support subjectivity to be constructed. Subjectivity would seem to require dispatching, consistency maintenance, dependency, and state management facilities that are beyond the reach of programmers in conventional object-oriented languages. It also requires a more flexible sense of object identity and mutability than traditional languages allow.
These are precisely the kinds of issues that are being address by researchers who are studying reflective object-oriented languages [Maes 1987]. A goal of this research is to allow mechanisms to support programming models like subjectivity to be built into existing languages. Since such languages are themselves built out of objects, these objects can serve as the basis for linguistic extensions, just as other objects can provide a basis for application-specific needs.
Composites, Perspectives and Method Combination
The idea that object-oriented programmers seek to model the world using complex constellations of cooperating objects is not a new one. For instance, [Stefik & Bobrow 1986] describes two mechanisms known to the LOOPS community for constructing such aggregates.
Composite Objects were groups of interconnected objects that were instantiated together; a recursive extension to the notion of object. A composite is defined by a template that describes the subobjects and their connections.
Perspectives were independent, linked objects which each represent a view. Each perspective has its own namespace. Once can access any of these view names form each of the others. For example, given an object, one asked for its Traveler perspective using the name "Traveler". Perspectives employed instantiation on demand (in contrast with composites, in which all parts were created at initialization time). Additional views could be added as needed to any object.
The Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) provides facilities that allow users to define how inherited methods are composed. The Metaobject Protocol [Kiczales et. al. 1991] provides programmers with access to state, generic function dispatch, class definition and initialization, and additional method combination mechanisms.
Reflection and Smalltalk
Smalltalk-80 allows programmers to directly manipulate objects such as classes, contexts, and methods. (SELF provides similar facilities, though it has no classes.) Additional reflective facilities can be added if direct access to dispatching mechanism is provided [Foote & Johnson 1989]. This paper discussed how these mechanisms could be used to construct automatic mechanisms to dynamically forward and delegate messages to components, and provide multiple views of an object by allowing outer objects to reroute messages to inner objects that embody state.
The authors also noted that inheritance, which is (at least in Smalltalk) a static, per class mechanism, is often overused. Often, programmers are modeling dynamic, per-instance relationships instead. Since no mechanisms exist to support this sort of programming, programmers fall back on inheritance.
Open Languages and Subjectivity
Linguistic support for the following sorts of mechanisms could make building subjective objects easier:
Dispatching Mechanisms that permit messages to be dynamically routed, and that can themselves be easily changed, might allow an object to forward a part of its protocol to another object that manages its "true" state, or allow a message to be broadcast to several objects at once.
State Mechanisms that are distinct from other object functions could allow version management, and dependency mechanisms to be constructed, and could permit these mechanisms to be dynamically altered at runtime. Consistency maintenance and constraint support can be piggybacked on these mechanisms too.
Protocol objects could allow the designation of method and message groups that could be dynamically given special treatment en masse.
Methods and other objects that designate behavior might be designed so that they too provide dynamic loci for the augmentation of behavior.
Namespace, or scope objects can be manipulated to control the visibility of different views of an object.
Identity issues can be dealt with by distinguishing functional and object-level notions of identity. These can be handled using different names (such as = and = =) or by making different versions of the identity operators visible under varying circumstances.
Given a reflective perspective, subjective coalitions might be seen as dynamic collections of cooperating objects. One intriguing consequence of a subjective perspective is that the metaobjects distinguished in some metaarchtectures might be treatable as different subjective views of the same object. One view might expose computationally relevant information, while others could present various application-level views.
[Foote & Johnson 1989] Brian Foote and Ralph E. Johnson Reflective Facilities in Smalltalk-80 OOPSLA '89 Proceedings New Orleans, LA October 1-6 1989, pages 327-335 [Foote 1991] Brian Foote Flexible Foundations and Movable Walls OOPSLA '91 Workshop on Reflection and Metalevel Architectures Phoenix, AZ [Foote 199x] Brian Foote An Object-Oriented Framework for Reflective Metalevel Architectures (in progress) [Harrison & Osher 1993] William Harrison and Harold Osher Subject-Orietned Programming (A Critique of Pure Objects) OOPSLA '93 Proceedings Washington, DC, pages 411-428 [Johnson & Foote 1988] Ralph E. Johnson and Brian Foote Designing Reusable Classes Journal of Object-Oriented Programming Volume 1, Number 2, June/July 1988 pages 22-35 [Kiczales et. al. 1991] Gregor Kiczales, Jim Des Rivieres, and Daniel G. Bobrow The Art of the Metaobject Protocol MIT Press, 1991 [Maes 1987] Pattie Maes Concepts and Experiments in Computational Reflection OOPSLA '87 Proceedings Orlando, FL, October 4-8 1977 pages 147-155 [Stefik & Bobrow 1986] Mark Stefik and Daniel G. Bobrow Object-Oriented Programming: Themes and Variations AI Magazine 6(4): 40-62, Winter, 1986 [Ungar & Smith 1987] David Ungar and Randall B. Smith Self: The Power of Simplicity OOPSLA '87 Proceedings Orlando, FL, October 4-8 1977 pages 227-242