Thomas Jay Peckish II on Programmers
Programmers are the handmaidens of change...
--Thomas Jay Peckish II
Posted by foote at
04:33 PM
Pattern / Not a Pattern
Can you tell which of these are not official
Gang ‘o’ Four™ Patterns?
(from a hyper-caffeinated airplane ride):
- Accomodator
- Mutilator
- Wrapper
- Prognosticator
- Bill of Goods
- Walker
- Manifest
- Template Factory
- Chain of Custody
- Mutator
- Concrete Factory
- Accessor
- Chain of Misery
- Coordinator
- Trojan Horse
- Reactor
- Collaborator
- Callback Function
- Masquerade
- Abstract Class
- Collector
- Parasite
- Interloper
- Subject
- Forwarder
- Infiltrator
- Marshall
- Exterminator
- Mortician
- Bazaar
- Unified Method
- Component
- Registry
- Delegator
Posted by foote at
10:57 AM
Thomas Jay Peckish II on Electric vs. Acoustic Guitar Playing
Listening to a really great guitar player play acoustic is like watching Michael Jordan play baseball...
--Thomas Jay Peckish II, on the merits of the electric guitar...
Posted by foote at
01:14 PM