A number of us (at least two I know of), undertook the
task of preparing a poem (in our native languages) to commemorate poet and aspiring auto-hagiographer Dick Gabriel's
Hillside Meeting Halloween birthday.
My contribution is a "Sought Poem", a poem composed using a Google search for three selected terms, and cut and paste. Dick explained how to these sorts of poems are written to Ralph and me at the meeting. It's hard to do well, but easy to do badly...
The fictional devil played by Gabriel The other clique members are female except for budding chef Gabriel, a black who falls for Flan Members are to distribute to trick-or-treaters on Halloween I am possessed by the Archangel Gabriel," she bellowed I just remembered that if this satanic group exists ... Gabriel Catholic School emblem optional tobacco, drugs, or displays of violence, satanic symbols or programs and topics Dental Health Halloween safety Nutrition ... Gabriel Ash: The Messengers from Hell Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World? Bali Halloween Lindenberger informed Council that the satanic church participates in human or animal sacrifices on Halloween ... Gabriel, President of South Brevard Habitat autumnal, Ray Bradburyesque season of Halloween, we thought ... Were they satanic monks, who invited ? Constantine used Gabriel, with or without his endorsement Who joins a Satanic killer for a series of Halloween-night murders? For Sale or Trade: Used William Shatner Halloween mask ... "to be" statements by 'Allah' or 'Gabriel' to Mohammed that were part of this satanic feast of Halloween, which like all the holidays, came from paganism, but for ... One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel I'll take Coolest Place To Go For Halloween for 200 98-99: the life of the martyr Gabriel of Bialystok Yet this was no Halloween joke From drugs, Ramirez had a passion for the mock-satanic music of ? from his parents' home in Whittier, near the San Gabriel freeway he is approached by the holy archangel Gabriel: "Cease being ..." Children are acustomed to celebrating Halloween, and you to behave in a childish fashion (without the liberation of libation) was Halloween. ... Alright all you tobacco chawin?, satanic, hillbilly punks Gabriel - The planetary archangel in charge of the moon, a genius of ? Gabriel returns to avenge he and his brothers .... ... to silence the author after his Satanic Verses was published ...
Lest it not be obvious, the three terms searched for to assemble this work were "Gabriel", "Satanic", and "Halloween". (I was fishing for more Rushdie than I netted, truth be told.) In other words, I used the result of running this query on the day the poem was assembled. The results will almost certainly have changed if you run it again....
Copyright (C) 2003 -- Brian Foote, The Laputan Press, Ltd.
Posted by foote at November 2, 2003 03:21 PM